Why Choose Off-Site Data Backup with Host-IT?
Whether it's a website, database or digital files held on an office fileserver, having a secure offsite backup is key to ensuring business continuity and planning for disaster recovery.
Used on our own servers, Host-IT's offsite back-up service encrypts the data at source so that it remains secure both in transit and storage (held within our UK data centres).
The software is free to download and will work on Linux, Windows or MAC OS.
Choose what files/folders you want to be backed up and choose your own schedule including retention period. The software will self-report after each back-up attempt to confirm on any issues it encountered. Files can easily be restored in bulk or individually via the software.
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Offsite Data Backup
Backup Lite (Desktops)
Ideal for
Workstations and laptops
Back up space included
20GB (~20,000MB)
Secure Upload
Price from *
Backup Pro (Desktops & Servers)
Ideal for
File and web servers and business critical work stations and servers
Back up space included
50GB (~50,000MB)
Secure Upload
Price from *
* All prices are nett of VAT (if applicable)
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